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What is the best team in Hero Wars?

7 Of Hero Wars Best Team Combos You Should Go With

  • Roles, Types, And Ranks Of Heroes. …
  • Krista, Lars, Nebula, Astaroth, And Martha: Best Twins Team. …
  • Galahad, Jet, Jhu, Nebula, And Sebastian: For Maximum Damage Output. …
  • Orion, Dorian, Helios, Nebula, Astaroth: Best Synergy.

De plus, Who are the best Titans in Hero Wars?

Which Titans to Focus Early On

  • Super titans. It should go without saying that these rare units take the pole position, since they’re the strongest of the bunch. …
  • Nova and Angus. …
  • Sigurd and Moloch. …
  • Avalon and Mairi. …
  • Vulcan and Sylva.

Ainsi Who is the best healer in Hero Wars? Martha – even though we skipped on her in our last article, she’s actually considered one of the best healers in the entire game.

Can you heal Titans in Hero Wars?

Don’t forget that you cannot heal your Titan team in the dungeon. Hyperion is the only one who can keep them going, but he’s a rare sight. If they die, you’ll have to wait for the day to end for them to respawn, so make sure to limit your Titan dungeon time.

How do you beat hero wars?

Hero Wars (Nexters) Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Cheats & Strategies to Win Epic Battles

  1. Log In Every Day For Rewards. …
  2. Complete Your Quests. …
  3. Recruit More Heroes. …
  4. Assemble A Powerful Team. …
  5. Upgrade Your Hero Skills. …
  6. Promote Your Heroes. …
  7. More Power Through Evolution. …
  8. Unlock And Upgrade Skins.

Is Rufus good in Hero Wars?

It turned out Rufus was an excellent conversationalist, and the demon had never had friends before. And since that day, the two have been thick as thieves. It was Rakashi of all people (and demons) who had the idea to join the Guardians.

How do you make Titans stronger in Hero Wars?

Much like the game’s regular Heroes, all the available Titans can be leveled up with Titan Potion, which you can mainly acquire by crawling the Dungeon, and if you have enough Soul Stones and enough coins to pay for the process, you can evolve them to the next star rating and make them much more powerful.

What is the max dungeon level in Hero Wars?

Based on data from floor 1000+. This is based on observation. The Dungeon consists of an unlimited number of floors, each featuring 5 levels. The process is saved every second floor permanently by activating the save point, there is no way to go back.

Do skins stack in Hero Wars?

Which Skins Are the Best? Given that they all stack and that the costs of maxing out one of these items is tremendous, you’ll want to make sure that you start with the skins that are the most impactful to begin with. Here’s the golden stat priority you should follow for your tanks: Armor and/or Magic Defense.

How do you level Titans in Hero Wars?

They can be leveled up with Titan Potions or Emeralds, evolved with Titan Soul Stones, and can be equipped with Titan Artifacts after unlocking the Titan Valley. If three or more Titans of the same element are on the team, the corresponding Totem will join the battle if the user has the totem.

Which Titans should I level up in Hero Wars?

If you didn’t get any super titans, your best bet is to go with Avalon, Nova, Angus, Ignis and Mairi. Moloch and Sigurd are definitely better than Mara and Ava, but using 3 tanks is an overkill and will cost you valuable DPS.

How many levels are in Hero Wars?

The Campaign is the main storyline of Hero Wars and is divided into 15 chapters in browser and 13 chapters at mobile. Each chapter includes several missions, usual and heroic, that your Heroes must beat in order to advance along a path over changing scenery.

What time does the dungeon reset in Hero Wars?

Please fix the hero way reset timer. It says reset at 6am EST but actually resets at 10pm EST.

What do skins do in Hero Wars?

Heroes’s default skin increases their main stat, additional skins upgrade secondary Stats. The Skin Stones the Hero needs to upgrade the skins is also based on this main stat.

Which skin is best for Celeste?

Her winter skin tbh is the best looking, and it boosts magic attack, which is the most useful for celeste.

What level do Titans regenerate?

When a player reaches level 50 and completes the required challenges, the player will be able to regenerate. Doing this will reset all of their weapons, challenges, etc. The player will keep their Burn Cards, Titan Chassis’, Credits, access to the Black Market, Titan Insignias, and Burn Card Slots.

How do you get a Titan skin stone in Hero Wars?

Titan Skin Stones can be obtained in the Dungeon Shop, in exchange for Dungeon Coins. Dungeon Coins, in turn, can only be obtained by completing two daily tasks, so in total you can get 1500 Coins per day.

How do you get Titan potions in Hero Wars?

They can be obtained through:

  1. Buying them in Guild War Shop with Bronze Guild War Trophys.
  2. Buying them in Titan Soul Shop for Titan Soul Coins.
  3. Completing Dungeon levels.
  4. Completing Special Event quests.

What is the fastest way to get XP in Hero Wars?

  1. Team experience. Team experience is obtained by completing Campaign missions, and Daily Quests. …
  2. Hero experience. Hero experience is obtained by completing Campaign missions or by using EXP Potions. …
  3. Titan experience. Titan experience is obtained by using Titan Potions.
  4. Pet experience.

What time zone is hero wars?

Hero Wars has two different time zones in-game leading sometimes to confusion: Personal Time Zone: The players time zone set in his profile. Guild Time Zone: The Guild time zone is GMT+0 on Facebook and GMT+3 in the web and mobile versions.

How do I change timezone in Hero Wars?

How do I change timezone in Hero Wars?

  1. Open your team menu by clicking your avatar on the upper-left part of the screen.
  2. In this menu press the button with pencil on it to change your timezone to the one that is set on your device.
  3. In the following window confirm your action.

How do you get a Titan skin stone?

Titan Skin Stones can be obtained in the Dungeon Shop, in exchange for Dungeon Coins. Dungeon Coins, in turn, can only be obtained by completing two daily tasks, so in total you can get 1500 Coins per day.

How do I get Arachne soul gem?

Arachne Soul Stone Event

Players can earn Arachne Soul Stones for 12 hours after beating Chapter 1 in the Campaign. Boss missions can give 3 Arachne Soul Stones, Heroic missions 2, and normal missions 1.

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Written by Marie L.

Mariei is a French writer graduate of Columbia University graduate school and bestselling author and featured as a #1 Amazon Bestseller for 9 consecutive months. Her interests include Technology, Business, Digital and Lifestyle.


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