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Could Arthur Morgan have survived TB?

In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival.

De plus, Could Arthur Morgan have survived?

Does Arthur Morgan Die? No matter what you do, Arthur Morgan dies. There’s currently no secret ending where he somewhat survives, fading into the mists of time under a new name. As noted in the endings above, he either dies from his tuberculosis, a bullet to the head, or a knife in the back.

Ainsi Can Arthur run with Mary? After the performance, Arthur walks Mary to the trolley. … Arthur admits that he does want to run away and be with her, but states he doesn’t want Mary to get hurt, he has people in the gang to take care of, and that they need money. Arthur promises that as soon as he can get some money, they can run away.

Is Jack Arthur’s son?

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Arthur Morgan only talks about his son once in the entire game, and the voluntary conversation is easy to miss. … For much of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan acts as a father figure to John and Abigail Marston’s son Jack.

What chapter does Arthur get coughed on?

During Red Dead Redemption 2’s Chapter 2 mission « Money Lending and Other Sins » Leopold Strauss asks Arthur to travel to the Downes family ranch and confront Thomas Downes about his debt. During the mission Arthur gets into an altercation with Downes, which results in the latter coughing up blood on Arthur’s face.

Can you find Dutch after the epilogue?

After chapter six, we don’t actually see Dutch until the very end of epilogue two, although he can be read about in one of the newspaper reports. You can check that out in the « Notorious Bad Man Alive » article.

Who gave Arthur TB?

Over a million people still die annually of tuberculosis today. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the disease spread across the globe, affecting families, communities, and entire countries. In the case of Arthur Morgan, the man that gives him tuberculosis is Thomas Downes, who he shakes down for money.

How old is Sadie Adler in rdr2?

4 Sadie Adler (25)

Sadie’s age is never really confirmed anywhere, but the running idea is that she’s somewhere in her mid-to-late 20s, so landing right in the middle is the safest bet.

What happens if Arthur doesn’t help Mary?

Help Mary or Decline

Arthur will get to decide to help Mary, or decline her. Declining to help Mary will prevent players from being able accept a future mission to help Mary’s father. If Red Dead Redemption 2 players want to avoid this mistake, they should agree to help Mary.

What if Arthur never got TB?

Arthur didn’t need a diagnosis to tell him that he was going to die; even if he somehow escaped being shot or hanged, his death is an inevitability. Ultimately, the game suggests that Arthur was doomed even if he had never contracted Tuberculosis. As Dutch Van Der Linde says, « we can’t fight change.

Did Arthur sleep with Abigail?

Abigail Marston

It is hinted by Dutch that Arthur may have had sex with Abigail before her relationship with John, as did the other members of the gang, when he is confronted by John at the bank in Blackwater in 1911. … Something Abigail deeply appreciated as that is all she has truly wanted, mostly for Jack’s sake.

Who is Red Harlow?

Red Harlow is a central character, and the main protagonist of Red Dead Revolver. He is also referenced in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. … With the addition of the Legends and Killers DLC pack, Red Harlow is a playable character model in the multiplayer mode of Red Dead Redemption.

Is Javier Escuella Jack’s dad?

Given the obvious attraction Arthur Morgan and Abigail share in RDR2, you might assume that Jack was Arthur’s secret child, but the good people of Reddit have in fact speculated that Jack’s real father is none other than Javier Escuella.

Does Arthur’s TB affect gameplay?

Once this mission is completed, Arthur will be sick with tuberculosis for the remainder of his playthrough, which also reduces all of his cores by 20%. He will also gain a limited amount of benefits from food and drinks, resulting in only coughing and a pop-up reminder of being sick if he has too much.

What chapter is fleeting joy in?

Fleeting Joy – Chapter 5 – Walkthrough | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Gamer Guides®

Is Trelawny the strange man?

Trelawny heavily resembles the Strange Man in both appearance and attire, but Rockstar Games have confirmed that he is not the strange man.

Is Micah’s revolver good?

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah’s Revolver is a Pistol Weapon Type, which is ideal for hunting Small and Moderate Animals. This weapons best stats are Rate of Fire 3.2/4 (Best) and Reload 2.8/4 (Good) and its lowest stats being Damage 1.5/4 (Weak).

Did Dutch know Micah was a rat?

He was a toxic influence on Dutch. Dutch was first and foremost a very arrogant and prideful man that did not want to accept that he was wrong in any way. He valued loyalty above everything else. Arthur told him that Micah was the rat, and Dutch refused to believe it because of his arrogance and pride.

Can Arthur Morgan get laid?

Just like in the first Red Dead Redemption, prostitution will definitely be a part of the world, but it won’t be a part that you can utilize. Simply put, you, Arthur Morgan, can not pick up a prostitute. … No sex with prostitutes in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Did Micah get tuberculosis?

While Micah Bell might be irredeemable, in both the eyes of the protagonists as well as the players, he is at least safe from contracting TB from Arthur’s blood. However, it doesn’t save him much time anyway, seeing as how in a few years, John, Sadie, and Charles end up gunning the man down anyway.

Can you find Arthur Morgans body?

Arthur Morgan’s grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the grave of Eagle Flies. If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthur’s grave will be adorned with flowers.

Why is Arthur not mentioned in RDR1?

TL;DR – John doesn’t mention Arthur in RDR1 because 1) It hurts him to think of Arthur, 2) He’s ashamed that Arthur saved his family, 3) Arthur said to not look back. EDIT: To all the people saying “Arthur wasn’t created until RDR2, that’s why,” you’re missing the point.

Is Sadie mentioned in RDR1?

The original RDR never mentions Red Dead Redemption 2’s Sadie Adler and Charles Smith, but in-game clues could suggest their fate. … It’s clear that Morgan was an important character to John, Abigail, and Jack Marston, so it’s a bit of a glaring oversight that he’s never mentioned in the first game.

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Written by Alex

Alex is a French freelance writer that enjoys spending time with his family either at home or out and about. He has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement.


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