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How long is Arthur TB?

When Arthur Actually Developed Tuberculosis

Since Red Dead Redemption 2 predominantly takes place 1899, it can not possibly have taken over a year for Arthur to develop tuberculosis. A reasonable estimate for the total amount of time that Arthur was sick in RDR2 is around 3-6 months.

De plus, Did Thomas Downes spit on Arthur on purpose?

Do you think Thomas Downes intentionally gave Arthur Tuberculosis? So we all know Arthur was assigned to get money from Thomas Downes and as he was beating him Mr. Downes got spit on Arthur’s face.

Ainsi How does Arthur get TB? Due to Arthur beating up Thomas Downes, who has Tuberculosis, under Leopold Strauss’ orders, while Arthur held him up against the fence, Downes coughs on him, which causes him to receive Tuberculosis.

Can u save Arthur Morgan?

Your actions do have an impact on how he dies but you can’t prevent his demise. There’s no way to save Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2.

What chapter does Arthur get diagnosed with TB?

Arthur stumbles into a doctor’s office at the end of chapter five and is told, in no uncertain terms, that he has tuberculosis.

Who coughed on Arthur?

TB also isn’t that contagious you can’t get it just from merely being around an infected individual, Arthur got TB because Downes coughed blood on his entire face. today is not like that son. in 1800-1935 TB killed 1 of 7 people that lived and the death rate was 2-5%.

What did Arthur do to Downes?

Edith and her son become financially unstable, resulting in Edith becoming a prostitute in Saint Denis to support her and Archie. Accidentally, she offers prostitution services to Arthur in town. Arthur recognizes her, and she subsequently recognizes him, causing her to inform a policeman that he was « harassing » her.

Could Arthur Morgan have survived TB?

In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival.

Who gives Arthur tuberculosis?

Over a million people still die annually of tuberculosis today. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the disease spread across the globe, affecting families, communities, and entire countries. In the case of Arthur Morgan, the man that gives him tuberculosis is Thomas Downes, who he shakes down for money.

What if Arthur never got TB?

Arthur didn’t need a diagnosis to tell him that he was going to die; even if he somehow escaped being shot or hanged, his death is an inevitability. Ultimately, the game suggests that Arthur was doomed even if he had never contracted Tuberculosis. As Dutch Van Der Linde says, « we can’t fight change.

Does Arthur tell anyone about his tuberculosis?

Arthur didn’t start showing symptoms of tuberculosis right away in the game, so even if he took proper precautions to distance himself from others once diagnosed, it’s still unbelievable that he didn’t infect anyone in the camp. … But there was no mention of anyone else succumbing to TB.

Can you visit Arthur’s body rdr2?

And here’s the big death, which we can’t say we didn’t exactly see coming. Arthur Morgan’s grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the grave of Eagle Flies. If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthur’s grave will be adorned with flowers.

Can Arthur Morgan get laid?

Just like in the first Red Dead Redemption, prostitution will definitely be a part of the world, but it won’t be a part that you can utilize. Simply put, you, Arthur Morgan, can not pick up a prostitute. … No sex with prostitutes in Red Dead Redemption 2.

How long is RDR Chapter 6?

Chapter six has 19 story missions. The first epilogue chapter has 10 story missions. The final epilogue chapter has 11 story missions. To check your progress, pause the game and go to the ‘Progress’ tab, then select ‘Story’.

Why is Arthur coughing so much?

On your way to a mission objective in Saint Denis your character starts lurching and coughing blood, a helpful stranger helps him into a doctor’s office, and good news: it’s tuberculosis. … For the rest of the game Arthur is a pale, red-eyed coughing mess, a dead man walking if there ever was one.

Who gave Arthur tuberculosis?

Over a million people still die annually of tuberculosis today. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the disease spread across the globe, affecting families, communities, and entire countries. In the case of Arthur Morgan, the man that gives him tuberculosis is Thomas Downes, who he shakes down for money.

Why does Arthur run into Mrs Downes?

Arthur wants to help Edith Downes and her son Archie in achieving a quiet life. Additional note – This mission allows you to increase your honor (reputation) to the maximum level. The quest will only appear when Arthur has enough positive reputation.

Why does Arthur see Mrs Downes?

Once the player has a high enough honor rank, they will see an icon for Edith Downes in Annesburg (also seen on the map above). If Arthur goes there and speaks with her, he will then be able to begin the mission and see what happened to the family of the man from whom he contracted tuberculosis in the first place.

What happened to Mrs Downes face?

It shows that Ms. Downes had to pay for the family’s debts by being a prostitute and her son being a miner. However, you her with bumps on her face and she is coughing. Did she catch syphilis as a prostitute in Annesburg?

What if Arthur Morgan never got tuberculosis?

Without TB, he would have gotten disillusioned with the Van der Linde gang, but probably not to the same extent, as his TB didn’t factor into the gang’s actions that caused him to take stock of what they really were.

How did Arthur Morgan get TB?

Due to Arthur beating up Thomas Downes, who has Tuberculosis, under Leopold Strauss’ orders, while Arthur held him up against the fence, Downes coughs on him, which causes him to receive Tuberculosis. He later learns of it after he was helped to the hospital while almost passing out in Saint Denis.

Did Micah get tuberculosis?

While Micah Bell might be irredeemable, in both the eyes of the protagonists as well as the players, he is at least safe from contracting TB from Arthur’s blood. However, it doesn’t save him much time anyway, seeing as how in a few years, John, Sadie, and Charles end up gunning the man down anyway.

Can you spare Thomas Downes?

Choose, Beat, Or Dismiss Thomas Downes

Downes is working in the garden. Approach the man and allow him to attack the hero (Downes’ attack will fail). Decide whether you want to only threaten the man or you want to beat him up. Sadly, you won’t collect the debt.

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Written by Marie L.

Mariei is a French writer graduate of Columbia University graduate school and bestselling author and featured as a #1 Amazon Bestseller for 9 consecutive months. Her interests include Technology, Business, Digital and Lifestyle.

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